We know... you want to lavish your friends and family with thoughtful gifts this time of year. We love them, they deserve it. And saving money is important.
Today, we're making a shift... no more "Black" Friday around here, it's "Red White & Blue" Friday from here on out.
Why? Because it's not just about the presents and positive cash flow for retail stores.
Red, White & Blue Friday is about GIVING BACK. You work hard for your money. Think wisely about where you're going to spend it and try not to be lured into the stores by "savings", only to find yourself thinking "what have I just done?"
You have lots of options for spending your hard-earned dollars this time of year. If you're running out of good quality ideas, think of your men and women wearing the uniform.
If you choose to make a donation to House in the Woods, you can rest assured there's no sticker shock, purchase regret, or need for returns.
Sponsor a veteran in someone's honor this year and receive a certificate to give, as well as updates throughout the year for you and your recipient, with personal updates on YOUR veteran.
GIVE BACK this holiday season. Show your loved ones what making a difference looks like, and help SAVE LIVES.
Start giving back today... head to our website, or follow the link in the comments below. Every dollar makes a difference.